How to get here:

If you choose to fly to South-West France the nearest airports are Toulouse, Pau and Tarbes-Lourdes.

  • Ryanair fly from both Bristol and London Stansted to Pau.
  • Easyjet fly from Bristol and London Gatwick to Toulouse.
  • BmiBaby fly from Manchester to Toulouse.
  • Jet2 fly from Belfast, Edinburgh and Leeds Bradford to Toulouse.
  • AerLingus fly from Dublin to Toulouse. 
  • British Airways fly from London Heathrow to Toulouse.
Toulouse airport is approximately one and a half hours drive.
Pau airport is approximately an hours drive.
Tarbes-Lourdes airport is 45 minutes drive.

There are car hire companies at all the airports, and information can be supplied when you book.

If you choose to take the ferry to South-West France the ports are :

Santander : about a four and a half hour drive away.
St. Malo : about 8 hours drive away.
Caen about 8 and a half hours drive away.
Roscoff : about 9 hours drive away.
Cherbourg : about 9 and a half hours drive away.
Calais : about 10 and a quarter hours drive away.

We recommend that you take out travel insurance for your trip, try the Travel-Quest travel insurance section which provides links to UK travel and holiday insurance; you'll find a strong selection of insurance providers offering everything from single trip to family, annual and multi-trip insurance; as well as specialist cover for older travellers, GAP years, skiers, cyclists, backpackers and adventure activities.

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